Created with you in mind, made to frame your original design.
Hello Visionaries, welcome to a safe place to envision and become your Original Design.
Personalised and Bespoke Decor & Gifts
Bespoke & Personalised Poems to affirm yourself or gift to someone else!

Design Poetry Book
Shola Ejegi is excited to share her first poetry collection with you, 'Design.' A journey between humanity and The Sun. Exploring themes of Identity, faith and love. This collection will take you on a journey of exploring your original design.

The Vision of Shola Ejegi is to ‘Frame your Original Design.’ Everything created at SE is designed to empower you to bridge the gap between your current self and your original design.
Why settle for anything less than being your best when you were created as a masterpiece?
Poetry Collections by Shola Ejegi
Bespoke & Personalised Poems
Made to Order Bespoke Affirmation and definition Poems. Choose attributes of your...
Shop - /career-poems
Poetry Gifts for any occasion! Graduate gifts for graduates ready to take...
Poetry Books
Poetry Collections by Shola Ejegi